Apa kabarmu Agustusku?

Apa kabar mu agustusku?

Ini tentang aku yang sedang tersenyum.
Ini tentang aku yang sedang bahagia.
Dan ini tentang aku yang menjadi sumber kebahagiaan mereka :)

Aku yang selalu seperti hari kemarin.
Aku yang tetap menjadi aku ketika bahkan hari-hari yang menjadi kebiasaanku sudah tidak sama.
Aku yang selalu mencintai kamu dengan cara dan. rasa yang berbeda.
Aku, gadis yang selalu berusaha sempurna sedangkan aku jauh dari sempurna.
Iya, aku.
Aku, gadis yang berdiri disini, menunggu kamu datang.
Aku tidak beranjak, karena aku tahu.
Kamu pasti akan datang.

Dear agustus ku.
Apa kamu juga akan tetap menjadi kekasihku ?
Tetap melihat aku sempurna, sedangkan aku memang tidak sempurna?
Tetap mencintai aku dengan caramu?
Tetap mengaku cemburu, kepada siapa saja yang berusaha menarik perhatianku?
Akan kah tetap seperti itu?
Ketika aku bahkan tidak lagi memiliki senyuman manis yang sama?
Ketika aku bahkan sudah tidak mampu menopang diri ku sendiri?
Ketika di agustus berikutnya, aku tidak lagi seperti aku?

Yang tidak berubah hanyalah rasa.
Rasa ‘kita’ yang akan selalu kamu dan aku jaga.
Dan Semoga saja semuanya tetap sama.
Maka Cintailah aku dengan cara yang selalu bisa membuatmu mencintaiku :)



"Cinta memiliki dua wajah kebahagian dan kesedihan.. Aku pikir cinta dan hujan mirip satu sama lain"


"Ada yang bilang, “Jadilah engkau seperti tanda baca koma (,) tatkala ada kesedihan yang menghadang maka berhentilah sejenak, lalu lanjutkanlah kembali perjalananmu. Dan janganlah engkau seperti tanda titik (.) yang jika ada kesedihan yang menghadang lantas engkau berhenti total dan kau buyarkan cita-cita dan tujuanmu"

Food Sanitation (Tugas Kesehatan Lingkungan I)


1.      How do infections, intoxications, and toxin - mediated infections cause foodborne illness?
In light of these three causes, acute foodborne illness may be classifi ed as infection, intoxication, or toxin - mediated infection. Foodborne infections are caused when biological hazards are consumed along with food. After ingestion the pathogenic organisms multiply in the victim’s stomach or intestines and produce such common symptoms of infection as nausea, abdominal pain, fever, and diarrhea. Intoxications are poisonings caused by eating food that contains a toxic chemical. Some bacteria produce wastes that are toxic to humans. These
toxins can produce illness when ingested with food even when the microbes that produced them are no longer present. Foodborne intoxication may also follow the consumption of poisonous plants or fi sh or the consumption of food that contains chemicals such as cleaning agents or pesticides. A toxin - mediated infection is caused by eating food that contains harmful microorganisms that produce a toxin once inside the human body. A toxin - mediated infection differs from an intoxication because the toxin is produced inside the human body.

2.      What four groups of people tend to be most susceptible to foodborne illness?
People more likely to get foodborne illness:
.Infants preschool age children (4 years and younger)
.Pregnant women
.Elderly – 65 years and older
.Individuals taking specific medications

3.      What are the three classes of foodborne hazards? Give an example of each class.
Foodborne illness may be caused by biological, chemical, or physical hazards in food.
            -biological : bacteria, viruses, parasites that pose an invisible challenge to food safety, infected food handlers or by cross - contamination, where pathogens from raw animal foods (beef, poultry, fish, and so forth) are transferred to ready - to - eat foods by contaminated hands, equipment, and utensils.
            -chemical : formal, borax, metals and organic chemicals, may be introduced accidentally during processing, causing outbreaks of toxic foodborne illness, food allergens and the toxins associated with molds, plants (for example, mushrooms), and certain species of fish (for example, puffer fish) and shellfish, or of human origin, such as pesticides, cleaning agents, metals, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). agricultural chemicals (for example, pesticides, fertilizers, and antibiotics), food additives (for example, preservatives and coloring agents), metals, and industrial by - products.
            -physical : content of staples, gravel on rice, soil, stones, bone fragments from animals, pieces of glass, staples, and jewelry, which can get into food as a result of poor food - handling practices on the farm or ranch, in food - processing plants, and in retail food establishments.

4. What are potentially hazardous foods (time - temperature control for safety foods)? What characteristics cause these foods to be frequently associated with foodborne disease outbreaks? And what is the temperature danger zone, and why is it important to food safety?
            Bacterial contamination may occur in raw food, in cooked food that has not been properly handled, and on the surfaces of equipment and utensils that have been contaminated by raw animal foods, humans, or pests such as insects and rodents. In addition, certain food products require time and temperature control to limit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and toxin formation. These items are called potentially hazardous foods (time/temperature control for safety foods), or PHF/TCS foods.
Because PHF/TCS foods have been frequently associated with foodborne disease outbreaks, they are a focal point of most food safety programs. These foods must be handled and stored properly to prevent and control bacterial growth and toxin production that can result in foodborne illness. Bacterial causes of foodborne illness can be divided into two categories,
the spore formers and the non - spore formers. This distinction is important because it has implications for prevention.
Temperature Danger Zone is microbes that cause food poisoning multiply most quickly on potentially hazardous foods that are stored in the Temperature Danger Zone between 5­­­­­­0 C and 600 C. Potentially hazardous must be kept at safe temperatures of at or below 5­0 C or at or above 600 C to stop food poisoning microbes from multiplying. 

5.      What is meant by poor personal hygiene, and how can it lead to foodborne illness? 663
Even healthy people can be a source of the harmful microbes that cause foodborne illness. Therefore good personal hygiene is extremely important when handling foods. Soiled hands and clothing, infected food workers, and workers who do not practice good personal hygiene are major threats to food safety. All of these diseases can potentially be transmitted by food and are considered severe health hazards. Food handlers who have been exposed to any of these pathogens must be excluded from work or assigned to restricted activities where they will have no contact with food. A food handler ’ s hands and fi ngers can become contaminated when he or she eats, smokes, uses the toilet, handles raw foods, touches soiled items, or wipes up spills. Saliva, perspiration, feces, juices from raw animal food products, and various types of soil can be signifi cant sources of contamination if they are allowed to get into food. Therefore food workers must wash their hands whenever they have been exposed to these contaminants.

6.      What is cross - contamination, and what are some ways to prevent it? 
Cross - contamination is the transfer of pathogens from one food to another via contaminated hands, equipment, or utensils. Cross contamination occurs when microbes and dirt from people, raw meat and raw fruit and vegetables, transfer to ready-to-eat foods, on utensils and equipment or through poor storage practices. Cross - contamination commonly occurs when ready - to - eat foods come into contact with raw animal foods or with surfaces that have had contact with these types of foods. Cross - contamination can also occur when raw foods are stored above ready - to - eat foods, and juices from the raw product spill or splash onto the ready - to - eat food.
Some ways to prevent cross contamination :
.Use separate equipment, such as cutting boards, when preparing raw foods and ready - to - eat foods (color coding may be helpful for this task).
.Clean and sanitize food - contact surfaces of equipment and utensils in between working with raw animal foods and ready - to - eat foods.
.Avoid touching ready - to - eat foods with bare hands.
.Prepare ready - to - eat foods first, then the raw foods.
.Keep raw and ready - to - eat foods separate during storage or store ready - to – eat foods above raw products.
            Reduce cross contamination by :
. Minimising hand contact with food
. Separating raw and cooked foods
. Using separate utensils to handle raw and cooked foods.


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I Wont Give Up – Jason Mraz Lyrics & Listen

Tugas Epidemiologi II

Epidemiologi merupakan salah satu dari cabang ilmu kesehatan masyarakat , yang terbukti dengan adanya buku yang berjudul  “The core of public health is epidemiology”, dalam buku yang berjudul Prinsip dan Metode Riset Epidemiologi, yang dikemukakan oleh Gerstman pada tahun 1998 dengan penulis  dr. Bhisma Murti, MPH.

Pengertian Epidemiologi ( Tugas I)


1.   Pengertian
Menurut asal katanya, secara etimologis, Epidemiologi berarti ilmu mengenai kejadian yang menimpa penduduk. Epidemiologi berasal dari bahasa Yunani, di mana epi = upon, pada atau tentang; demos = people, penduduk; dan logia = knowledge, ilmu. Nama Epidemiologi sendiri berkaitan dengan sejarah kelahirannya dimana epidemiologi memberikan perhatian tentang penyakit yang mengenai penduduk (epidemi).

      2.   Definisi Menurut Para Pakar
a.       Aldel R. Omran (1974)
Epidemiologi sebagai suatu ilmu mengenai terjadinya dan distribusi keadaan kesehatan, penyakit dan perubahan pada penduduk, begitu juga determinannya serta akibat-akibat yang terjadi pada kelompok penduduk.
b.      Anders  Ahlbom, Staffan Norel (1989)
Epidemiologi adalah ilmu pengetahuan mengenai terjadinya penyakit pada populasi manusia.
c.       Azrul Azwar
Epidemiologi adalah ilmu yang mempelajari tentang frekuensi dan penyebaran masalah kesehatan pada sekelompok manusia serta faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi masalah kesehatan.
d.      Barbara Valanis (1999)
Epidemiology is term derived from the Greek Language (Epidemiologi=upon; demos= people; logos=science).
e.       Brian MacMahon, Thomas F. Pugh (1970)
Epidemiology is the study of the distribution and determinants of disease frequency in man.
f.       Elizabeth Barret
Epidemiology is study of the distribution and causes of diseases.
g.      Gary D.Friedman (1974)
Epidemiology is the study of disease occurance in human populations.
h.      Gilliam (1963)
Epidemiology is what epidemiologists do.
i.        Greenwood (1934)
Epidemiologi adalah suatu ilmu tentang penyakit dan segala kejadian.
j.        Judith S.Mausner, Aita K. Bahn
Epidemiology is with the extend and types of ilness and injuries in groups of people and with the factors which influence their distribution.
k.      Lilienfeld ( 1977 )
Epidemiologi adalah suatu metode pemikiran tentang penyakit yang berkaitan dengan penilaian biologis dan berasal dari pengamatan suatu tingkat kesehatan populasi.
l.        Lewis H. Rohf, Beatrice J. Selwyn
Epidemiology is the description and explanation of the differences in occurance of events of medical concern in subgroup of population, where the population has been subdivided according to some characteristic belived to influence the occurance of the event.
m.    Morris (1964)
Epidemiologi adalah suatu pengetahuan tentang sehat dan sakit dari suatu penduduk.
n.      Last ( 1988 )
Epidemiology is study of the distribution and determinants of health – related states or events in specified population and the application of this study to control of problems.
o.      Robert H. Fletcher ( 1991 )
Epidemiologi adalah disiplin riset yang membahas tentang distribusi dan determinan penyakit dalam populasi.
p.      Wade Hampton Frost (1927)
            Epidemiologi sebagai suatu pengetahuan tentang fenomena massal (mass phenomen) penyakit infeksi atau sebagai riwayat alamiah (natural history) penyakit menular.

Daftar Pustaka
  1. Omran, AR. Transisi Epidemiologi, dalam: Kelangsungan Hidup Anak, Masri Singarimbun. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada Universty Press.1988.
  2.  Ahlbom, A dan S. Norel. 1998. Pengantar Epidemiologi Modern. Editor : Suhardi, Januar Ahmad. Yayasan Essentia Medica, 1992.
  3. Abramson, JH. Metode Survei Dalam Kedokteran Komunitas. Pengantar Studi Epidemiologi dan Evaluatif Penerjemah Akhid. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.
  4. Valanis, B. Epidemiology in Health Care. Appleton & Lange, Standford, Connecticut. 1999
  5. MacMahon, B., TF.Pugh. Epidemiology: Principles and Methods. Little Brown and Company. 1970
  6. Friendman, GD. Prinsip-Prinsip Epidemiologi.Yayasan Essentia Medica, Yokyakarta. 1986.
  7.  Green, LW, et al. Health Education planning: A Diagnostic Approach. Mayfield Publishing Company.1980
  8. Mausner, Bahn. Epidemiology: An Introductary Text. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Comp. 1985
  9. Fletcher, A.E., Fletcher S.W, Wagner, E.H. Clinical Epidemiology: The essentials. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins.1998
  10. Budiarto, Eko. 2003. Pengantar Epidemiologi. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC
  11. Bustan, M.N. 2006. Pengantar Epidemiologi. Jakarta: Penerbit Rineka Cipta


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